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My Dream Wedding

40,101 beses na nalaro

Pagpapatunay ng katauhan

Salamat, ang boto mo ay nairekord na at malapit ng makita.
Mga detalye ng laro

The big day is here! It's time for your dream wedding. Can you help this romantic couple get ready for their wedding vows? They have picked out the perfect venue and already booked the caterer and photographer. Now it's time to select your wedding outfits and decorate your wedding cake! Choose the right dress and veil, match the most elegant jewelry and don't forget to help her choose the perfect make-up. The groom will wear a classic dress but is undecided on the choice of colors for the groom's tights, shirt and shoes. Finally, decorate the long awaited bride's cake! Have fun playing this game here at Y8.com!

Kategorya: Mga Larong Pambabae
Idinagdag sa 29 Oct 2022
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