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Year Round Fashionista: Curly

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Mga detalye ng laro

Join Mandy in a year round adventure by playing this fabulous fashion game called Year Round Fashionista: Curly! Beautiful Mandy wants to stay fashionable all year long and fortunately she has the perfect wardrobe to accomplish that. She has items fit for all of the months and seasons of the year and she would like you to help her create the most fashionable outfits with them. Take a fashion trip through the year and create a pastel look for May, a neon one for hot August days and stay comfy for chilly autumn nights. Your imagination is the only limit in this game so go ahead and have a blast playing Year Round Fashionista: Curly!

Kategorya: Mga Larong Pambabae
Idinagdag sa 10 Jul 2020
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